aditspewv ยท Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love - Music Travel Love (Cover)
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    Wedding Invitation
    Harry & Putri
    Kepada Yth;
    Tamu Undangan
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    The Meaning of Love
    To love is to share life together, to build special plans just for two, to work side by side, and then smile with pride, as one by one, dreams all come true. To love is to help and encourage with smiles and sincere words of praise, to take time to share, to listen and care in tender, affectionate ways. To love is to have someone special, one on whom you can always depend to be there through the years, sharing laughter and tears, as a partner, a lover, a friend. To love is to make special memories of moments you love to recall, of all the good things that sharing life brings. Love is the greatest of all. I've learned the full meaning of sharing and caring and having my dreams all come true; I've learned the full meaning of being in love by being and loving with you.
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    Dengan ungkapan syukur atas karunia Tuhan, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk menghadiri Acara Pernikahan Kami.
    Harry Swandy Sagala
    Putra Kedua dari Bapak Walter Sagala (โœ)
    dan Ibu Lin Mariaty br. Naibaho (โœ)
    Putri Fiorentina br. Naibaho
    Putri Pertama dari Bapak Monardo Naibaho
    dan Ibu Ertan br. Panggabean
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    Save The Date
    Sabtu, 1 Oktober 2022
    Pukul 11.30 - 14.00 WIB
    Gedung Pertemuan Sopo Gabe
    Jalan Dahlan Atas, Harjamukti, Cimanggis Depok
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    Gedung Pertemuan Sopo Gabe
    Jalan Dahlan Atas, Harjamukti, Cimanggis Depok
    Petunjuk Ke Lokasi
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    Kirim Hadiah
    Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami. Namun jika Anda ingin memberi hadiah kami sediakan fitur berikut
    BCA : Harry Swandy
    Mandiri : Putri Fiorentina Naibaho
    Kirim Kado
    Komplek TVRI Blok C3 No 53 Jalan Poris Raya Rt 03 Rw 18 kelurahan Jatirahayu Pondok Melati Bekasi 17414
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    Protokol Kesehatan
    Mengingat kondisi pandemi saat ini, kami menghimbau Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i tamu undangan agar tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan dalam rangka upaya pencegahan penyebaran
    virus Covid-19.
    Cek Suhu
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    Galeri Foto Mempelai
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    Kirim ucapan untuk mempelai
    dan konfirmasi kehadiran
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    Merupakan Suatu Kebahagiaan bagi kami Apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, Berkenan Hadir Untuk Memberikan Do'a Restu Kepada Kami.
    Atas Kehadiran dan Do'a Restunya Kami Ucapkan Terimakasih.
    Harry & Putri
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